Pancreatic Disorders

Acute pancreatitis

  • Gallstones (MC), etOH abuse, hypertriglycerides (genetic or acquired from things like DM/hypothyroid)

  • Preggers/estrogen/tamoxifen, antiretrovirals, HCTZ, β-blockers

  • Hypercalcemia, mumps, post ERCP

  • Release of auto-digesting enzymes ➔ inflamed pancreas

    • Inflammation ➔ third spacing ➔ hypotension ➔ ↓ pancreas perfusion ➔ necrotic pancreas

    • Lipase breaks down fat ➔ fatty acid binding of calcium hypocalcemia

    • Can ➔ pleural effusion, ileus, sepsis


    • Epigastric/ABD pain radiating to back, ↑ while supine and with meals

    • N/V, shocky anuria/oliguria

    • ± fever, jaundice (probably biliary in origin)

    • Retroperitoneal bleeding (2° to necrosis) ➔ ABD ecchymoses

      • CUllen's (periUmbilical), TURNer (turn onto flank)


    • 2/3 required (meaning you don't need CT if pain & ↑ lipase)

      • Epigastric pain

      • ↑ lipase (specific) or amylase (nonspecific) >3x normal

      • Imaging showing focal/diffuse enlarged pancreas

    • US best initial to assess for gallstones, CT not needed unless worsening

    • ABD X-Ray - Pancreatic inflammation

      • Localized SB ileus ➔ dilation (sentinel loop)

      • Spasm of descending colon ➔ abrupt termination of gas at splenic flexure (colon cut off sign)

    • ↑ ALT means probably biliary in origin

    • Hypocalcemia, ↑ WBC, ↑ CRP, ↑ BUN

    • Ranson criteria (assessed after 48 hrs) assesses severity


    • NPO & Fluids (LR > NS) unless hypercalcemia (LR is contraindicated)

    • Pain control (demerol > morphine) morphine ➔ ↑ sphincter of Oddi pressure

    • ERCP and cholecystectomy if 2° to gallstones

    • Fenofibrates if to hypertriglycerides

    • ABX if necrotic

Chronic pancreatitis

  • Chronic inflammation ➔ fibrosis

    • EtOH (MC) ➔ acinar cell damage, hypertriglycerides

    • Hypercalcemia (2° to hyperparathyroid) ➔ activation of enzymes within pancreas

    • Chronic pancreatic obstruction ➔ enzymes not released

    • Cystic fibrosis ➔ chronic pancreatitis early in life


    • HX of acute pancreatitis, steatorrhea (signs of vit AEDK deficiency), chronic ABD pain, pancreatogenic diabetes


    • CT or MRI ± MRCP - if gallstone related

    • ABD X-Ray shows pancreas calcifications (specific but not always present)

    • US shows ↑ echogenicity


    • Stop drinking and smoking, low-fat diet with small meals

    • Pancreatic enzymes (with acid suppression), IV fat soluble vitamins